Shikhar Gupta

Personal Website

This is my personal website, where I put an arbitrary selection of projects for the world to judge (and enjoy)! I designed it from scratch using Figma and built it using Next.js, a neat little React framework that made construction easy but deployment hell (due only to my relentless insistance on using GitHub Pgaes.)

Website URL:

Figma Designs:


In order to host this statically on GitHub Pages, you have to provide it with a static build, not straight Next.js. To do this I turned the out folder, where the static site build is located, into a git subtree. By making the out folder be the master branch, GitHub Pages will happily host it. Therefore, the actual source files have to be in a different branch, which I just called next-devel.

Since cloning defaults the branch to master, run

git checkout next-devel

Then install dependenices by running

npm install

Run and Deploy

To deploy the website locally, run

npm run dev

To deploy to github, run

npm run deploy

This command doesn’t look like much, but in order to get this working with GitHub Pages it does the following:

It would have been so much easier to just use Vercel, which was literally created to host Next.js pages, but alas. I really wanted to use GitHub Pages.